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Isle of Wight Walking 1 - 2.27 miles (route marked by red plus signs)

Carriers Stable location:-

Walk from Carriers Stable and back via down and village
Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.

Turn right out of main drive and walk 120 yds to - SZ 42496 83202 and take path up steps near to post box leading to Upper Lane.

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Walk 50 yds along footpath between Moortown Lane and Upper Lane.

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Turn right at SZ 42562 83202 and walk 475 yds to foot path opposite junction with North Street.

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Walk up footpath approximately 352 yds (first 150yds can be a little muddy due to small spring)

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Then take right fork of footpath and continue for another 210 yds.

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Take right fork again and walk 335yds with scenic views of village and coast on route

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Walk 390 yds along foot path to left in direction of footpath sign.

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Admire views along first level of downs before turning left.

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Walk 1090 yds to Lynch Lane passing Combe Farm on route.

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Now you have passed Combe Farm continue to Lynch lane where you turn left.

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Turning left into Lynch Lane beside the footpath sign and walk 528 yds to Junction of Upper Lane and Moortown lane,. {short description of image}

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Daffodils, Bluebells and

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Take right fork at junction of Upper Lane and Moortown lane and walk 150 yds to Carriers Stable.
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